Friday, May 24, 2013

The Thief - Kollam beach

8:30 AM Dec 24 2006
Fishermen at Kollam beach hit by Tsunami gathers near a piece of iceberg washed ashore.
From where did it come?

An Iceberg should come from as far away as Antartica. Can it come this far without melting?
Did Tsunami bring it along? It must have been a huge iceberg to reach here.

11:00 AM
The iceberg melts unveiling a human face on one of its edges. Its not an iceberg from Antartica! Some local murder by a gangster? Crowd starts receding from a once happy crowd enjoying the sight of the iceberg from Antartica.

12:00 AM
More people gather to see a man's face with beard and long hair dressed in some kind thick clothing. His feet shows up as the berg thawed. It has ropes wound around his feet. He was probably tortured before his death.

1:20 PM
Police arrives at the crime scene. Gets the fishermen to pour water on the berg to melt it quickly.
What lay before them is a man's body dressed in offwhite cloth and ropes wound around his feet as though he was gladiator. Yes he was probably dressed like a Gladiator before he was killed. Is it a suicide? Was he deranged ? Was he from a bankrupt drama troupe trying to play out his favorite character before taking his own life? 


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