Thursday, March 27, 2008

We one,ours one

The girl says .. give me a break?
The man does not budge till they have a break.

The girl uses the opportunity to become a mother.She recognizes the beauty and the need for motherhood as something that comes at an opportune time.
The man cursing the damned brand starts reconciling with those moments of complacency, and going through trauma for another 8 months ,grudgingly declares himself a dad.

To hide the shame they act out a very emotional drama calling themselves happy and what not!This is the story of every dad and mom in the country.

We are all products of this break.
Sweetly admonished by the govt, they go on...
Who knew the secret of the number of mistakes?
It is called "We one,ours one"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chacha Abdul

Last year around this time ,I was sitting in my bakery.It was raining heavily.I was getting nostalgic about my dreams that did not come true. I was thinking of doing some justice to my degree in telecommnication engineering. I thought i will e-mail a hi to president Kalam. To my astonishment, I got a reply the next minute. I knew he too thinks like an engineer (or scientist probably). I mailed him about how my kids are taking special tuitions at the school to talk to the president. They are also taught stories such as how when they were babies they were passionate about designing the airframe structure of a Boeing.
My children are very fond of him. They want to celeberate Nov 15th as ignited children's day.