Thursday, April 15, 2010

God's Will on a Coin Toss - A stroll in Pope's private garden

Neo : Benedict, Say your wish aloud when I toss this coin.

Pope : Heads

Neo : No. its a Tail. Seems like God has a purpose in not granting your wish. Let's try again.

Pope : Heads

Neo : hmmm No! Now am sure God really has a purpose behind not granting your wish. Lets try again.

Pope: Heads. Nevertheless not my wish but Gods be done.

Neo : Wow! Its a Head! God hears people when they pray diligently. Thank you Benedict.That was an experience of God. It is only now I started believing in the existence of God!

Pope : Most people experience God in every favorable event of their lives. Some do not and harden their hearts to not see the blessings showered upon them.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


If reasoning is the primitive of human thought process, a faith reduces to being adamant on lip service.