Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Osama negotiates with Pope

Pope Benedict XVI : Why are you a terrorist? Do you have a reason?
Osama bin laden : I am just being religious as you!
Pope Benedict XVI : Child, Let me cast out the demon in you.
Osama bin laden : Oh you arrogant birth and of little faith, let me first.
Pope Benedict XVI : Let me see what America can do about you.

Scientifically Religious!

If the existence of God can neither be proved nor disproved, so is the belief that the earth was created by flying hippopotamuses receding away from us at the speed of light.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Conversation with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Neo : Ravishankarji, I have this doubt. Are you secular?
Ravishankar: Yes I am secular.I treat all religions equally.
Neo: But,why did you take up promotion of Hinduism?
Ravishankar: I do promote hinduism but that does not mean i am not secular.Secular only means understanding that other ideologies can exist which are perceived as better by others.
Neo: Does secular have anything to do with scientific thinking?
Ravishankar: No
Neo: Let us take for example some people say Ram-Setu was built by Ram.And some others say it was made by natural causes. Would you support the scientific angle or the religious angle?
Ravishankar: I would say I do not know.
Neo: How about reincarnation? Are you sure about it or you think it is more probable a theory through your meditation experiments?
Ravishankar: Yes for me it is more probable and therefore I propagate it.
Neo: Probability against blind beliefs is your point.Is that right?Would you propagate it as The truth or a more probable theory?
Ravishankar: I must go now.nice talking to you.

Saturday, April 12, 2008